Friday 13 June 2008

carbon quotas & peak oil

With the number of children and pensioners in poverty rising, the incredibly high levels of personal debt in Maidstone and the rapidly rising energy costs, urgent solutions are needed to protect vulnerable people from fuel poverty. Capping demand for oil by issuing tradeable carbon quotas would help stabilise prices, provide low energy users with an income and make sure that energy is shared fairly.

The world facing the twin crises of climate change and soaring fuel prices and we need a fair and just method of reducing our use of fossil fuels, ensuring enough for all while keeping prices low enough. Simply allowing the price of energy to soar will mean that people on low incomes will suffer.

Capping and reducing the UK's demand for energy will help to stabalise prices, begin to wean us off our oil dependency and reduce our carbon emissions. The only way to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels and carbon emissions fairly is through personal tradeable carbon quotas. These will provide security for the poor and ensure equal access to energy for all.

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