Sunday, 24 August 2008

Engagement at its best?

Being the sad 'wonk' that I am, I try to read all the minutes and briefings from Maidstone Borough Council that I can. I found this fascinating statement from Cllr Richard Ash (Tory councillor for Bearsted - the village which will surrounded by KIG or houses) in a cabinet briefing:

"I have met with Alison Broom (Director of Operations) and David Edwards (Director of Change and Support Services), together with Alasdair Robertson (Business Manager, Operations) and Neil Harris (Democratic Services) by way of a briefing document."

How can you meet with someone by way of a briefing document? Drop them an email, perhaps? Does the definition of meeting only kick in when you have had a reply to your email?

He has made a start on decisions and it's good to see him hit the ground running: "My two decisions so far have been to give permission for one room in Maidstone House to be given over to a Members Library and this Friday (13 June) the Complaints Department will close down early as they move over the weekend.". Fantastic, radical stuff...

Mind you, things are no better over the hill in Medway. Their councillor who "spearheaded a 'root and branch' reform of the council's housing department" (screwed up) their social housing has kept his cabinet position bizarrely. Thanks for Save-Kent this story.

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