Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Stop the War in Gaza

Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:

* An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
* An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
* An end to Israel's violations of international law
* An end to Israeli occupation


Boycott Israeli Goods - Join the protests – Take Action Now!

West Kent Stop the War coalition have organised a demonstration to protest about Israel's attacks upon Gaza's civilians:

12.00 noon at Calverley shopping precinct

Saturday 3rd January 2009

1 comment:

Stuart Jeffery said...

Suggested text:

Israel is committing appalling atrocities in Gaza and has been roundly condemned by my most of the world (except the US).

Please can you you call on Gordon Brown to do more to stop the bloodshed. There needs to be an immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza, an immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza, an end to Israel's violations of international law and an end to Israeli occupation.

We must also place economic sanctions against Israel until it halts it reign of terror against the Palestinians.

Yesterday, Israel even attacked a boat carrying medical supplies to Gaza, preventing these from getting through.

It is important that both sides stop their aggression if peace is ever to be achieved, however it is very clear that Israel's response is disproportional and immoral.