Wednesday 13 January 2010

Best and worst in schools for Maidstone

Ever wondered what happens when you have a selective schools system? In Maidstone you get the top scoring school in the country (and clearly congratualtions are due to the girls at Invicta), and the school with the highest amount of truancy, New Line Learning (one of Gordon Brown's Academies).

Selection is wrong on so many accounts. Making young people trek miles because they can't go to their local secondary school, disrupting junior school friendships, creating an air of elitism, the fact that overall young people do worse in a selective system, but most of all because it labels those who don't pass the eleven plus (or Kent Test as they insist on calling here) as failures - which they are not!

We must end selection now and we must scrap the academy system too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You also get idiots like Ed Balls insisting that all schools in such a system are still subject to his arbitrary 30% 5 A*-C National Challenge and criticising the county for having such an imbalance in its schools, thus clearly not having nay idea about his subject!

What a prize git!