Sunday 11 April 2010

Foxhunting and the Tories

"Hunt masters are rallying the troops in a bid for Tory victory after David Cameron pledged to hold a free vote on foxhunting if he gets into Downing Street"

It looks like East Kent Hunt is calling for its members to vote tory. No surprise there but it does highlight, once again, just how out of touch the Tory views on hunting really are. They continue to support this cruel and barbaric sport that deserves no place in a civilised society.

Plenty of letters in the local press recently against hunting with dogs, seems there is no appetite for it in Maidstone.

Unlike the Tories, Greens are passionate about animal rights and we oppose killing and harming animals for fun.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Completely agree. David Cameron is also casually ignoring the 75% (majority) of the public who do not want to see a return to fox hunting. That is his opinion on democracy! What else will he do if he wins the election?