Sunday 8 May 2011

Fant election campaign - my thoughts

Highest number of votes ever with a 66% increase in votes on 2009; my 526 votes was only 201 or 8% behind the winner yet I came fourth! Fant turned into a very tight four way marginal with all parties getting percentages in the 20s. Certainly the only ward like it in Kent.

Labour bused people in from London to fight the ward and their candidate beat me by just 16 votes. They fought hard (and fair) and put in months of effort so I take my hat off to their campaign and candidate. It was a shame that they targeted our best ward.

The Tories did nothing visible and won. Turnout was 37%, 4% higher than normal so it may be that the referendum pull out some Tory 'No' voters. Who knows!

The Lib Dem vote share fell as predicted, down from 46% in 2009 to 27% this time round.

It will be interesting next year...

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