Wednesday 6 July 2011

Stop Murdoch campaigns

Avaaz and 38 Degrees are campaigning to stop Murdoch. Petetions are here (Avaaz) and here (38 Degrees).

This is from Avaaz:

Jeremy Hunt has just said he'll allow Murdoch to own all of BSkyB. We have just three days to flood the government's public consultation with requests to stop the deal.

We've done it before -- in the last consultation Hunt said our avalanche of 40,000 messages delayed the deal as his officials had to read each email carefully, fearing a legal challenge. But the government is pushing the deal through despite the hacking scandal of murdered Milly Dowler -- the latest grim episode that shows how Murdoch's media tramples standards and ignores ethics.

Murdoch already controls more of our media than is legal in many countries – and is notorious for using his power to skew our politics. The official consultation ends this Friday -- let's tell the government we don't want his media empire to control our largest commercial broadcaster. Send a message now -- using your own words to make it stand out -- calling on Jeremy Hunt and David Cameron to refuse Murdoch's BSkyB deal until there's a full Competition Commission review and a full public inquiry into phone hacking.


Lee Firth said...

'Murdoch already controls more of our media than is legal in many countries.'

Who are you kidding? In the UK the BBC totally dominates the broadcast media and crushes any competition. If Murdoch is not allowed to take back control of BSkyB he’ll probably close down Sky News and leave the UK in the unenviable position of being the only major democratic country in the world where the state totally controls all news broadcasts. Does this not concern you?

thehoatzin said...

Exactly Ms/Mr Lee Firth. Even I have known for a long, long time that the NOTW and Coulson etc have been phone hacking, paying the cops for numbers and other stuff as a matter of routine. Of course the BBC knew it long ago too, but they don't want to upset the apple cart.

What most surprising is these seemingly dim-witted types who are only outraged since yesterday and are now demanding that some be done. "Something must be done!"

Anyway, a good excuse not to buy Murdoch's pieces of shit.

Stuart Jeffery said...

Give the BBC anyday over a company that controls the UK political scene so heavily: 'It was the Sun that won it', I seem to remember.