Tuesday 25 October 2011

St Paul's against protestors is immoral

Press release from Kent Green Party:
Kent Green Party Chair, Stuart Jeffery, visited protesters at St Paul's at the weekend to thank them for standing up for the 99% of people whose lives are being damaged unnecessarily by the greedy 1%. He has joined calls for an end to tax avoidance by the super rich, including the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that is destroying public services. Stuart has also criticised the closure of its doors by the cathedral itself, as a political act and has stated that the threatening of legal action by St Paul's against protestors is immoral.

He says: "I visited the protesters at OccupyLSX at the weekend to thank them for standing up for the vast majority of people whose lives are being damaged by corporate interests, the greedy 1% and of course our corrupt political system.

"Economic troubles are being used as an excuse to feather the beds of the rich rather than as an opportunity to reduce the gap between rich and poor. While the government assault on public services increases, they continue to allow their rich friends to avoid paying £100 billion in taxes - the same amount as their budget deficit. George Osborne and his rich friends should be ashamed of themselves for avoiding paying taxes while the rest of us have to. Tax loopholes need to be closed immediately.

"Currently at the top of the shame list is St Paul's itself. I saw first hand how false their claims were that it had to close its doors on health and safety grounds. The Health and Safety Executive has not raised questions about the protest. The site was well organised and there was good access to all areas. St Paul's list of trustees and sponsors reads like a who's who of the 1%. Closing its doors was clearly done for political reasons.

"Worse still is the legal action being threatened by St Paul's. This threat is immoral and needs to be retracted immediately. This type of bullying has no place in society and shows clearly the problems that the 99% face against the 1%."

George Osborn and tax avoidance: http://blog.38degrees.org.uk/2010/10/28/tax-avoidance-george-does-it-too/
Interview with trader Alessio Rastani on BBC News: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/26/trader-to-bbc-goldman-sachs-goldman-sachs-rules-the-world_n_981658.html
Trustees and Sponsors of St Paul's: http://stuartjeffery.blogspot.com/2011/10/st-paul-patron-saint-of-1.html
Photo of visit by Stuart: http://stuartjeffery.blogspot.com/2011/10/visit-to-occupylsx.html
Legal action by St Pauls: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/oct/23/st-pauls-occupy-london-protest?CMP=EMCGT_241011&

1 comment:

TinyBitGreen said...

They would like to thank HSBC, Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan amongst others . . .explains a great deal.
