Thursday 15 November 2012

Do you want a Tory running Kent Police?

No? Then vote for independent candidate Ann Barnes today as I don't think anyone else can beat the Tory.

Ten more reasons to vote for Ann Barnes:
  1. Ann is standing as an independent
  2. she understands the police having chaired Kent Police Authority
  3. she is against privatisation
  4. she has no problem with 20 mph limits
  5. she has publicly criticised the concept of elected commissioners
  6. been the only candidate to get a leaflet to my house
  7. has accepted that Kent Police made mistakes during the Kingsnorth protest 
  8. clearly won the Maidstone FSB hustings 
  9. answers emails and tweets promptly (most other candidates haven't answered any of my questions)
  10. and she isn't a Tory but can beat the Tory candidate

So, if you are in Kent please don't spoil your ballot paper, please go and vote for Ann Barnes today.

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