Thursday 6 December 2012

Autumn Statement "Joint Enterprise"

I'm not sure why the Lib Dems have described the Autumn Statement as a "joint enterprise", I would have thought they would want to get as far away from it as possible.

But then the package may be just what the Tories and Tory-Lite want. And clearly they are very happy with what it will do to the various sectors of society:

Some key highlights:
  • Below inflation rise in benefits (that's a cut in real terms). Rather than creating jobs and protecting the vulnerable, they are pushing poverty as if it were a good thing for the masses
  • No rise on fuel duty. Stuff the planet! I would have put fuel duty up and made sure that money went directly into investment in public transport
  • More people into the 40p tax rate. Surely better to properly tax those on £100k first?
  • Corporation tax down by 1%. Why? What about the tax avoidance? Go after Starbucks, Amazon and others.
Laughing all the way to their mansions.

1 comment:

Andy Blatchford said...

"Below inflation rise in benefits (that's a cut in real terms). Rather than creating jobs and protecting the vulnerable, they are pushing poverty as if it were a good thing for the masses"

Always bizarre is that one, you would think their donors would like the profits that spending would have on their profits... oh well.