Friday 17 January 2014

Standing proud aganist social care cuts in Brighton

Once again, the Green run Brighton council are at the vanguard of action against the government. This time they are taking a stand against the cuts which if implemented would devastate social care services.

The proposed referendum on whether to continue to fund the services via a 4.75% council tax rise will be fascinating to watch. Firstly, as a minority administration they would need the support of Labour to get agreement to go to the people but Labour have already come out in support of the cuts and I can't see the Tories agreeing to this despite Pickles stating that it is the only route to rises above 2%.

Labour saying no exposes their true partisan colours to the people of Brighton, and demonstrates clearly that they retain their right wing, pro-cuts position.

If there is support for the referendum, then it will be down to a truly democratic vote and the will of the people as to whether the cuts to social care happen.

So, well done to the Greens for putting principle first and great to see that the GMB are backing the referendum too:

Brighton and Hove Greens take a positive decision to allow the public to make the decision on council tax increase Gmb supports

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