Saturday, 15 March 2014

Lib Dems are running scared of Greens in Euro Elections

My friend Rupert Read who is the number one Green candidate for the Eastern region in this year's European elections has received a leaked memo from the Lib Dem's Head of National Campaigns showing how they intend to attack the Greens in the forthcoming Euro-elections by claiming that:
  • the Greens are the "anti-jobs party";
  • the Green Party consists of "dinosaur left-wingers that are more red than green."
  • Green opposition to the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Programme) could cost the UK economy "thousands of jobs and an extra £10 billion" of economic activity.
The memo demonstrates how scared the Lib Dems are of being beaten by the Greens in May, a very real prospect given their allegiance with the Conservatives and their consistent stream of broken promises.

They are going to claim that the Greens are anti-jobs by our opposition to the appalling TTIP, a trade agreement that will give the US companies the right to sue EU states if they interfere with free trade including legal action to override environmental protection or worker's rights.

The TTIP is all about free trade, not localism and fair trade. The Greens continue to campaign for a million new jobs through a Green New Deal while the Lib Dems are keen to sell off our rights to foreign governments.

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