Thursday, 17 August 2017

KCC’s £3m six lane bottleneck on Sutton Road

I am deeply concerned that spending £3m on making Sutton Road six lanes wide for a short stretch around Willington Street will be a complete waste of money and simply create bottlenecks at either end of the road widening.

The loss of mature trees and green space which protects Sutton Road residents from traffic noise and pollution cannot be justified.

To reduce traffic and congestion the council needs to put a bus lane in from the new housing on Sutton Road to the centre of Maidstone, increase the frequency of buses and reduce the fares. Only better public transport will reduce traffic, congestion and pollution.

I’m also concerned that local residents aren’t being properly consulted. The residents on Sutton Road who are most directly affected by the scheme found out by accident after KCC failed to notify them. I am writing to KCC to oppose the scheme and to ask them to properly consult with local residents.”


Picture: Me in front of the oak tree on Sutton Rd that will be removed under the proposals

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