Sunday, 1 October 2017

Methinks the Lib Dems doth protest too much

Letter to the KM:

Dear Editor,

While Bruce Ditcher (KM Letter 28 Sep) calls for council officers to be sacked for the decisions the council makes, it should be noted that it is elected councillors that make decisions and they need voting out rather than officers being sacked. Maidstone's Lib Dem run council are making the same appalling decisions that the previous Tory administration were making yet sadly people continue to vote them into power.

I suspect this is partly due to the blame shifting that some politicians do. Lib Dem Cllr Tony Harwood bemoaned a 'broken planning system' (KM Letter 28 Sep), yet his party currently run the council and his party spent 5 years in national government supporting the Tories while failing to tackle the same broken planning system. Methinks the Lib Dems doth protest too much?

It is very clear that the only sure way to get change is to vote for it. You don't get change by voting for the same parties that continue to make appaling decisions.

Stuart Jeffery,
Maidstone Green Party

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