Sunday, 14 January 2018

Labour claims to be the only party to oppose the gyratory in Maidstone!

Well this is the bizarre claim in the Kent Messenger this week. At the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee on 1st Dec 15, Labour leader Cllr Harper stated clearly that "overall (he) welcomes this scheme" - so I can only assume he has changed his mind??? As for the only party to oppose the scheme, frankly that's rubbish and he knows it see: and and and

I have sent in a letter to the KM:

Dear Editor,
Cllr Harper's letter in last week's KM on Labour's opposition to the gyratory was disingenuous to say the least. While he raised concerns about cycle access (as the Greens did), he is on record on 1 Dec 2015 at the council's Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee as stating that "overall (he) welcomes this scheme".

His letter last week also claims that only Labour challenged the changes. While we welcome Labour's change of heart, Cllr Harper is ignoring the repeated challenge to the scheme by the Green Party in Maidstone.

We Greens stated very publicly that the gyratory changes were a phenomenal waste of money, money that could be spent making alternatives to travel by car easier and thus reduce the need to drive.
Once again the Greens were ignored by those in power but proved right.

Stuart Jeffery, Maidstone Green Party

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