Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Objection to more greenfield development - Hermitage Lane

My objection to planning application  20/501773/FULL for 187 houses on a greenfield site on Hermitage Lane. Please add you thoughts here:

This is the wrong type of housing in the wrong place.

Our need for local farm land will continue to increase in the future. By building on it now you are compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This is simply not sustainable.

On a more basic level the houses do not appear to be small and affordable which are the ones that are needed, they are being built with garages whereas the future is one without cars being the dominant form of transport, it is out of town and therefore away from jobs, major infrastructure and transport links.

Air pollution is killing at least 70 people in Maidstone each year, this development is car based and will increase this death toll.

Being an out of town, car based development, this plan contravenes the council's declaration of climate emergency.

Finally, Hermitage Lane cannot support the current level of traffic. This will increase air pollution and carbon emissions for the town.

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