Sunday 12 September 2010

Cuts deepest for the vulnerable

According to the TUC: "Excluding benefit cuts, single people will lose the equivalent, on average, of £817 a year in services, while a couple with no children will lose £1,012 and a single pensioner £1,017. A lone parent, meanwhile, will lose £1,880."

Meanwhile the Mail says: "The latest figures show that after years of Labour profligacy, up to 30 per cent of all jobs are now in the public sector in some regions of the UK." Wow, 30% of jobs are in professions supporting society especially the poor and vulnerable - how profiligate! Just imagine what would happen to these people if this support was slashed...

The Mail also quotes research, this time from Experian (the same people who are going to spy on us via their credit scoring system... buy a book and you are a benefit cheat etc.) that the North, Scotland and Wales will be hardest hit by the public sector cuts. The South East will get off lightest as we have the lowest proportion of people employed in the public sector - so that's alright then as the Tories need to make sure their areas take the least pain.

While these cuts are being fronted by the Tories, let us not forget that the LibDems are utterly complicit in this.


LadyRoisin said...

are you aware that Lockheed UK is going to be conducting the UK Census in 2011? Will ALL our information be available to the US Authorities under terrorism rules?

LadyRoisin said...

are you aware that Lockheed UK is going to be conducting the UK Census in 2011? Will ALL our information be available to the US Authorities under terrorism rules?

Stuart Jeffery said...

Yes, I am aware. The US will have full and easy access to everyone's information under the patriot act. Very scary!