Sunday 28 March 2010

One Pot Pledge

Had this from Garden Organic. They are good people and I'm happy to share it!

Dear Stuart,

I’m writing to tell you about the One Pot Pledge, a nationwide campaign across the UK hoping to recruit 30,000 people to pledge to grow their own fruit and veg for the very first time. 

One Pot Pledge is sponsored by Garden Organic, the UK's leading organic growing charity.

We would appreciate it so much if you could lend any support to the campaign and help us get the word out.

Despite the surge in interest in ‘grow your own,’ many newcomers -- although keen to have a go -- still don’t know where to start when it comes to food growing.  Many are put off because they think they don’t have space to garden, or because they don’t have the time or knowledge.

One Pot Pledge aims to:

- Get people growing food, even on a small scale in just a pot, and show them how to do it.

-  Provide simple tips and advice to demonstrate how easy it is to grow your own – all you need is a pot, some compost and seeds.

- Give people the chance to connect with the food they eat and enable them to make more sustainable food choices.

- Show people they can save money by growing their own food.

- Encourage healthier eating.


We’d be so grateful if you could blog about the campaign, tweet about us, join/promote our Facebook page, place a One Pot Pledge widget on your page – anything you can do to help. 

We’d also love if YOU would pledge! Experienced gardeners needn’t pledge, but instead can join the ranks of our Garden Gurus  -- the people who are helping  encourage others to make a One Pot Pledge. 

We’d love to blog about you blogging about us, (!) and will also have a Flickr page where pledgers can show their growing triumphs and challenges. Perhaps you might consider keeping a diary on your growing progress.

We have celebrity support, quotes, tips, and lots of interesting advice from advocates like  Alys Fowler. These can be found on the site at

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